Thursday, May 26, 2011

We Don't Need Sunglasses in Oregon. Just Rain Gear and Fleece. In May.

Yes it is the END of May and still 40-some degrees out. Grandma arrived Tuesday. I still couldn't get the top back on the Jeep right so I had to fetch Grandma from the airport in rain and 48 degrees with the top KIND of on and only one window half zipped in. She was actually a good sport about it and just pulled out a scarf to keep her hair from getting messed up!

We've mostly been shopping and cooking and watching TV. Kirstie Alley did NOT win Dancing With the Stars and Scotty DID win American Idol. Oprah Winfrey did her last show. And Sara Palin is talking about actually running for President. That ought to liven up the news if she does!

Got some of Heather's Africa pictures printed out and started a photo album for Grandma. And a scrapbook for here. Needs some Lion King stickers. Definitely.

Grandma wanted to buy clothes for my birthday. (Of course--though I really prefer to get flowers for the yard this time of year.) So we went to Penney's and I found 2 dresses I quite like! I'll be wearing them for weddings and Broadway shows, etc this summer.

Stan just accused me of writing an essay (I'm typing on my phone while in bed) and started reciting the Gettysburg address. I found I could pick up after the first paragraph and recite most of the rest of it--I had to memorize it in 7TH GRADE! My brain is so full of unnecessary stuff!!

Also went to a meeting for Los Embajadores, which Sharon Stevenson is apparently still chaperoning but Steve is not. Officially registered for classes at Mt Hood Community College for fall. Read with the 2nd graders. (Mostly they were practicing reading mass parts because they were in charge of the school mass the next day.) Had dragonboat practice in cold drizzle on a high river with a racing current and a lot of wind. That was a good challenge actually. The kind where it wasn't boring but I didn't crash or fall in. Aaaand I continue to shovel out the house. Tomorrow I must really get on that as Stan is having a barbeque for my birthday on Saturday. But of course it's supposed to be cold and rainy.

Oh, yeah, Natalie came home from her trip to see Damien in England to find that her boyfriend Phil had moved out. Then she got laid off from her job. So starting next week we have plans to get together during the days and get some serious exercise.

Now the day sums up with my heater on, the windows open, the cat curled up on a blanket beside me and I'm typing a blog on my phone while at the same time trying to discuss who is Arab and who is not in the Middle East with Stan. I feel it would be helpful to have Liz's input. Or at least Google's. GOODNIGHT!

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