Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I just love the view from back here...

I LOVE TILLING A DRAGONBOAT! Last night we had our first practice at flag catching. Three runs with three different catchers and we got all three!! I also managed to get out of the docks without incident AND parked without having to draw! :-)

This morning I let Nick drive to school, then treated myself to Starbucks. By that time it wasn't quite so drizzly so I've been planting and weeding the yard. A bunch of the stuff in the planters at the end of the driveway have died off so I started to replace them. Found out why they're dying off-- the planters are filled with sand instead of dirt!! So I have to dig them out and fill in with dirt first. Aaaargh! That will happen another day for most of it as it's raining again now.

Now for an exciting afternoon of laundry and housecleaning... Then I'm cooking a chicken peanut satay stir fry for dinner. A little different even though it's technically stir fry and rice AGAIN....

1 comment:

  1. One, congrats on being an awesome tiller! two, why did you fill them with sand? Three, I had the best pork for dinner last night. take THAT chicken peanut satay stir fry!
