Friday, May 20, 2011

Soon-to-be FOUR College Students in the Family...

After driving to PSU with Nick (his driving practice) I spent the morning doing Mt Hood Community College's online orientation and then drove out to MHCC to meet with an admissions person, take my college transcripts so I don't have to do placement tests, etc. I wore my Boston sweatshirt which the admissions advisor was very excited about as she is from Boston! Anyway, I can officially register for Fall term next week now.

It's a Jeep-top-down kinda day! Though I did have the top down AND the heat cranked this morning as it was still in the upper 50's. Probably pushing 70 and sunny now and I'm working in the yard again. Planning out a walkway to the gazebo and shed from the deck. Sophie's napping in the shade.

Got an email from Colleen today. She had her visa extended a month so she can do some traveling in Chinaafter she is done with her job at the end of May. She's been reading Heather's blog, too. (Blog, Baby, Blog!)

Got some wildflower seeds, from Norton, Massachusetts btw, that I think I will fill one of the raised beds with. I liked having wildflower bouquets handy last year!

This weekend it's. supposed to rain again, so then it will be time to clean up the "guest room" for Grandma's arrival next Tuesday. It's kinda stuffed full of random stuff from Claire's house mostly ...

But for now enjoying the rare Portland sunshine!

1 comment:

  1. Lol. Here, it's 70 and sunny on a cool day, lol. Actually, it's not so bad cuz we have a lot of breeze. You have to send pics of the backyard after you do the paths. (or as I think of it: after your done furthering the golfcourseification of the yard...) And hey, now we're BOTH students! TAKE THAT! :D
