So just a quick update between printing boarding passes for my mom's flight home tomorrow and Stan wanting the computer to look at rack systems for the KIA. We bought a kayak today! Yellow for me... matches the rest of my fleet, lol! Stan ordered a red one for himself which will hopefully arrive at REI in a week to 10 days from now. (He really wanted the "stan blue" one, but they were all out even for special order.)In the absence of a car rack we kind of just stuffed it in the trunk and bungeed it everywhere. (Stan was concerned that we didn't have a red flag to dangle on it, but I am certain NO ONE would be able to claim they didn't see 4 feet of BRIGHT YELLOW kayak poking out the back of the car like a lemon colored land shark.)
We also got much of the shed cleaned out. Shed cleaning usually occurs every time my mom visits. The cars all get extraordinarily clean as well. Anyway, the shed went from can't-get-in-the-doors to can-actually-stash-2-kayaks-and-still-walk-through!
Oh, yeah, dragonboats! It actually got over 60 degrees out this afternoon and THE SUN came out just in time for dragonboat practice! Jeffrey the Blue Heron greeted us at the boat, there were piles of Canada Geese with herds of fluffy, adorable babies, and swallows feeding babies in nests under the Ross Island bridge! Beautiful evening. The river is really high--the walkway to the docks, which is usually at about a 45 degree angle, is nearly horizontal now. The water is up almost to the walkway around Waterfront Park. It's not flooding like in 1996 by any means, but higher than at any time since then I hear.
Stan is hovering...I must go!
wait... kayaks? Really? Lol, i'll have to commandeer one when i get back to the states. :D and I'm glad you had momentarily nice weather!!! :D